Woodstock Speeding Ticket: 30 Years of Experience: Bob Keefer: Email [email protected]
or call (540)433-6906 to set up your FREE call with Bob to discuss your options.
SEE Bob's reviews written by clients at www.BobKeeferReviews.com
A Virginia Reckless Driving Conviction carries a heavy financial cost.

Deciding that you cannot afford to hire a lawyer for your reckless driving (by speed) charge may be be penny wise and pound foolish.
Bob Keefer has been practicing traffic law in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley since 1983. During that time he has helped thousands of motorists charged with this serious Class One criminal misdemeanor offense have their charge reduced to a traffic infraction or dismissed. Often he has been able to accomplish this without the accused even coming to court.
Recently Bob spoke with a young lady charge with reckless driving by speed in Shenandoah County, Virginia She had been told by someone that she should appear on her own, plead guilty and then ask for a reduction. She was convicted.
In Bob's experience, 100% of persons who plead guilty are found guilty. With a competent lawyer, such cases are usually reduced or continued and then dismissed upon completion of driver improvement and good behavior.
Representing yourself is usually unsuccessful if for no other reason than the accused did not understand how the Court works.
What most accused persons do not realize is that most Judges view their mandate to be an umpire, not your helper. If the evidence shows you were doing 81 mph or more in a 65 you will be convicted as charged. You need an attorney to increase your chances of a much different result.
Once convicted your cost is:
1. A permanent criminal record;
2. Fines and costs;
3. Increased insurance—approximately $3,000 over three years, if the Judge suspends the person’s license the insurance consequences are greater;
4. 6 points on a Virginia Driving Record and transferable offense to his or her state of licensure;
5. Loss of one or two days of work; and,
6. Loss of job or potential job due to criminal record: possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars.